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Practising Yoga: Combining Mindfulness and Fitness for Healthier Living

We’ve all been there – you want to keep fit but don’t know where to start. Before you plan out your intensive fitness regime, why not try yoga? 

Practising yoga is a great way to work on your flexibility and strength in a relaxing way. The blend of fitness and mindfulness in yoga can be a great antidote to your hectic lifestyle that leaves little time for exercise. 

What is yoga? 

Yoga is an ancient practice that improves physical and mental wellbeing through body postures and controlled breathing exercises. 

Yoga is good for beginners because it is not too complicated – with help from a fitness coach, people of all ages and fitness levels can accomplish basic yoga poses and stretches. 

This low-impact exercise is especially beneficial for people who have chronic health conditions such as high blood pressure and heart disease. A study found that yoga helped lower the pulse rate and blood pressure of participants that practised yoga for five years

There are many forms of yoga practices that vary in intensity – from physically tough to less vigorous. 

Here are a few different types of yoga workouts

For a physically tough workout that improves muscle tone, try Power and Ashtanga

Power: A fast, high-intensity yoga practice that builds muscle. 

Ashtanga: Yoga that uses a special breathing technique to help move into a series of poses. 

For a less vigorous workout that benefits strength and endurance, try Hatha and Iyengar

Hatha: The most common type of yoga, which combines a series of basic movements with breathing. 

Iyengar: Helps the body move into proper alignment by utilising items such as blocks and straps. 

Some types of yoga concentrate on relaxation while others focus on movement. But all forms of yoga create a total mind-body workout that incorporates yoga poses with breathing exercises. 

How does yoga help with mindfulness and fitness? 

For the body (fitness): 

  • Develop flexibility: By stretching your muscles, yoga enables you to move better and increase your range of motion. Bending your body can also help you feel less stiff and tired. 
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For the mind (mindfulness): 

  • Boost mood: Consistent yoga practice helps improve circulation in the endocrine glands, regulating hormones that play a pivotal role in managing your mood. This can help alleviate symptoms of depression. 
  • Helps with relaxation: By engaging with meditation, yoga helps calm your mind. Your attention is directed to sensations, thoughts and emotions that accompany a particular pose. This awareness helps you stick to the present moment and disengage from negative thoughts. 

So if you’re looking to improve your fitness mindfully, yoga could be the solution for you. Just practising 15-30 minutes of yoga every day can bring physiological and psychological benefits that will contribute towards healthier living. 

Interested in mindfulness and fitness? A dedicated life coach at Ceed is here to help you strive towards a healthier lifestyle. 

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