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Why Awe Walking is Good for Your Mental Health

This article explains how to Awe Walk, and why everybody should take time to do it. 

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The benefits of Awe Walking are unlimited! 

What is Awe-Walking? 

Awe-Walking is not your typical stroll around the block. This type of walking focuses on appreciating your surroundings using mindfulness. It’s done to reach a ‘state of awe’.  

The awe state is thought to be a sensation of humbleness. It’s the feeling that you are part of something bigger as you open your mind to the world around you. Like when you stand on a sandy beach, feeling that you are a spec of sand in the vastness of the universe. Or standing on top of a tall building and seeing the night lit up by a city. 

This state of mind, feeling you are in the presence of something bigger, detracts you from your own life. Everyday stresses, work, commitments and responsibilities feel dwarfed for a while.  

Awe Walking is essentially experiencing places and feelings fully. Often, places that make you stand back in appreciation. So something a bit more interesting than the local park! Alternatively, awe walking can give you a newfound appreciation for places you love already. 

How to Awe Walk 

Awe walking is a meditative practice. So, it can ground you, distract you from your worries and make you feel more alive.  


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You can Awe Walk anywhere – it’s a state of mind. But try somewhere beautiful first! 

  • The first stage of Awe Walking is to get into the zone. Switch your phone off, be fully immersed with the moment, the sights and sounds.  
  • Once you have found a state of mind that allows you to be in the moment, focus on your breathing. Breath in for 6 and out for 6 as you prepare to start your walk. Keep an open mind. Continue to use this breathing pattern as you venture on. 
  • Throughout this walk, you will combine breathing with focus, taking in everything around you. Feel the air in your lungs, the smells and sights – big and small. Focus on shapes, colours, patterns.  

Here is a step-to-step guide on exactly how to Awe Walk, to get the most of out the experience: How to Awe Walk. 

The Complicated Bond Between Humans and Nature 

What is your relationship to the earth? Do you feel the urge to see new places, or are you more comfortable staying put? 

What do you do to connect to the earth? 

The current state of the world can make it difficult to feel connected to nature sometimes. And being in nature might sometimes feel like a reminder of the bad that is happening. Like an internal battle of knowing things need to change and feeling out of control. 

Technology has made it easier to see the world’s wonders on screens from our homes. But it’s just not the same! You can’t reap the rewards of being in nature through a screen. It’s a real issue for younger generations, who have been born into this online world.  

New generations may never truly understand what beauty has been lost already. Older generations have witnessed the earth’s decline – species dying, changes in weather etc. Some may even be afraid of nature in all its power. But really, we just need to appreciate it and look after it more. 

The truth is, the more we spend time in nature, and remember its value, the more we care and want to protect it. Being in nature soothes and nurtures us. It is humanity’s free remedy – to escape the stress and feel grounded.  

Why Awe Walking is Effective  

Turning your walks into Awe Walks helps you to notice the beauty in everyday life. Regularly taking time out of your week to do this has many health benefits. It can reduce stress and inflammation, boost creativity and open your mind. You can try awe walking with friends and family as a social event too! 

UCSF researchers conducted a study to assess the power of Awe-Walking. They asked 52 older adults to take a weekly stroll. Some were told to seek out physical vastness and novelty (Awe Walking). The others were told to take a regular walk. The ones who went Awe-Walking reported significant increases in compassion and gratitude. Also, their sense of wonder and appreciation for the outside world grew, among other benefits. 

This research is an example of how Awe-Walking can broaden the mind, heighten the senses and generally lift spirits.  

To Conclude… 

Walking in general has many health benefits. But Awe Walking takes it to the next level. Take fifteen minutes out of your week to try it out! It’s always good to get out of the house and explore the world – it has a lot to offer! 

For more help nurturing your personal growth, contact us at Ceed today! 

How to Tune in To Your Body and Reduce Stress

Have you ever noticed yourself feeling run down, worn out and emotionally numb when stress levels are soaring? You might feel like you’re carrying the weight of your worries on your shoulders, and you wouldn’t be wrong.  

Knowing how to listen to your body can help you identify when you might need to take some rest and look after yourself. In this article, we look at the connection between the body and mind and explore healthier ways to respond to stressful times, so that you can find a little extra peace! 

It’s important to look after your body and mind!

A bit of stress here and there is perfectly okay. It might push you to meet deadlines or walk faster when you’re late or sense danger and seek safety. But overactive and prolonged stress levels can be physically damaging, as the mind is intrinsically connected with the body. 

Why Does Stress Manifest Itself Physically?  

It’s all down to a science. When you encounter a stressful situation or thought, your brain transmits signals that release a steroid hormone called cortisol into the body. Cortisol, also known as the body’s natural alarm system, regulates certain processes in the body such as your immune system and digestive functions. However, much like anything out of balance, this hormone can put your health at risk when overactive.  

The short term effects of this could manifest in symptoms such as:

  • Tension headaches
  • An upset stomach
  • Muscle tension
  • Sleep problems

Long term effects include increased risk of heart attacks, arthritis and memory issues.  

Why Is It Important to Listen to Your Body?

We all get aches and pains sometimes, but persistent headaches, digestive issues or muscle pains could be your body’s way of telling you to rest and make changes to your lifestyle! Prolonged stress causes muscles to tense up in a fight or flight response. So, if you notice (in particular) your back, shoulders and neck aching, it could be that your body is signalling to you to do some stress relief exercises.  

Here are some ways you can destress easily in your day-to-day life: 

1. Exercise Regularly

Exercise increases the body’s ability to absorb oxygen, increasing blood flow and releasing endorphins, effectively de-stressing the body and loosening your muscles (remember to warm up first!). A little bit of regular exercise will release tension from the body and help you think clearer too, as you focus on the present moment and let your stressful thoughts go.

Read Now: How Exercise Benefits Mental Health

2. Sleep

Your body restores and repairs itself during deep sleep, so keeping an eye on your sleep cycles and ensuring you are getting proper rest is essential to staying healthy and keeping stress levels at bay.

Sleep is crucial to a healthy lifestyle.

Read Now:  How to Get Better Sleep and Why Understanding Sleep is Crucial to Your Wellbeing

3. Understand Your Stress

What is it that is stressing you out? How can you tackle this? Getting to the root cause of stress will help you to navigate your way through it. If it is work, for example, you may need to consider cutting back your hours or organising your life so that you have enough time for yourself. If it’s a deeper issue that is troubling you, you could consider some talking therapy. 

4. Strike Balance

Make sure you are taking time to have fun and let go. When your life is dominated by stress, your body will begin to feel it. Have a bath, go for a walk somewhere stunning, see your friends and family, and find new hobbies that give you pleasure.  

5. Breathe Deep and Stretch

This is useful for short term symptoms of stress, such as feeling tight chested and short-breathed, or to alleviate aches in your muscles. Getting your body moving and controlling your breathing pattern can help you to centre yourself and calm down.

Read Now: Four Effective Ways to Clear Your Mind of Stress

To Sum Up…

Our emotional worlds manifest in physical symptoms in the body. But this works in both ways: when we smile and rest and experience joy, it boosts our immune system and fights stress and aches. So, it is important to have a healthy balanced lifestyle with plenty of rest and quality time for you!   

For more help managing your health, wellbeing and lifestyle, contact us at Ceed today! 

How to Manage Moving Out for The First Time

So, the time has come; you’ve decided to move out and start your own life.  

It can be extremely difficult to move out mentally. It’s a new fresh start to move out of your guardian’s house, and it means letting go of your past. Despite how difficult it can seem and feel, it is healthy for your mind. You will have a lot of freedom. Every decision is now yours, and you are responsible for everything yourself now. 

This article is going to help you in many ways, from preparing mentally for your move, to the positives and negatives of having full responsibility.  


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It can be a daunting experience, but once you have moved out, things should get better! 

Why You May Want to Move Out 

Before delving further into the topic; you need to understand the groundwork of your need to move out.  

There are numerous different mental issues at home that can affect your need to move: 

  • Toxic environment 
  • Unsafe 
  • Outgrowing home 
  • Too much responsibility 
  • General attitude to move 
Toxic Environment 

You may be living in a toxic environment; this could be the people you live with or just the general environment itself. This can be unsafe for your mental health and can lead you down a dark path if exposed to it for a long time. It can also affect future social situations if you are around people who do not allow you to be yourself. 


Your home may be unsafe; this is particularly worse if any siblings, or other residents steal or make life even more stressful for you. This will make you never feel comfortable or safe in that residence, but once you have moved, that negativity is sure to cease.  

Too Much Responsibility  

It may just be that you seem to do almost everything at your home despite not owning it, and not having the ability to decide on aspects of the house. It may be much better to just move out so you then have the same responsibility in your own place.  

General Attitude To Move 

Or simple enough, you may just want to move out to start your own life with your own family someday. It doesn’t always have to be a negative situation that forces you to move out. Especially after university, or working, as you will have the mentality, experience and money to move out yourself someday!  

How To Move Out 

You can move out by using multiple sites online, like: 

Or even local estate agents which will almost always have places on display in windows. 

Usually, one-bedroom places would not be a lot of money but always make sure you have enough money to pay the bond and rent before applying to them. You don’t want to be caught by surprise expenses.  

A furnished location will generally be suitable for someone without a lot of money but it means you don’t exactly own the furniture so you need to be more careful. 

It may also take quite a heavy impact on your bank account due to having to furnish the location, if the location you apply for is unfurnished, with whatever you like but it will be worth it in the end. 

Read Now: 7 Ways to Ease Financial Stress and Manage Your Money 

The Housing Association  

This is an association you sign up to and they will find a place suitable for you to live. It isn’t a guaranteed place but over time they will ask you to go to viewings and they may decide to let you move in there or not.  

It is a council-funded residence so it will be cheaper than a normal location from an estate agent but the drawback is the long waiting list.  

Gathering Supplies 

The thing about moving out is that you can bring whatever you like but don’t forget the essentials; usually, you bring a lot of clothes, a bed, and sort out the basics like electricity, gas and water before moving in. Some people may want to move out ASAP to not have to deal with living at home any longer and some may choose to wait it out for a couple of weeks to get it all set up. It is entirely up to you! 

Mentality to Move 

Mentality is key to being able to happily move out, it’s important to look after it when moving out for the first time. You may not feel 100% ready and that small inkling of regret or overthinking may creep up on you while you are thinking about it. These feelings are normal. It is just your brain realising that things will change once you move out and it can be scary but in a way hopeful.  

Your new home will be yours, and everything within it will be based on you. You may have new routines, and more freedom but obviously, more responsibility within the house in terms of cleaning.  

You have got to learn that every story starts somewhere, instead of you being part of someone else’s story, you are now in control of your own story. Being in control is healthy for your mind and soul.  

Read Now: How to Overcome Your Negative Thoughts 

Only move once you are ready.


Positives and Negatives to Moving 

Obviously, there are both positives and negatives to moving out.


  • freedom
  • make your own routines
  • no distractions
  • independence
  • privacy


  • rent
  • bills
  • loneliness 
  • responsibility
  • household chores 

Even though these may seem outweighed, it is great to keep these in mind for when you are thinking about moving out or not.  

Don’t blindly jump into the deep end but analyse how you can deal with keeping yourself afloat and getting out of it eventually. 

Other Residents (Pets, Roommates) 

Luckily, there is a workaround for the con of loneliness; This is fixed by moving in with someone, or something. You can move in with a roommate, a partner or a friend as well as bring pets if the residence allows it. It is always great to have friends, and people around you to not feel alone in your thoughts.  

Someone else around the house can also help cheapen the bills, and help with housework but you share the house. So, choose who to move in wisely! You don’t want to end up back at square one. 

Read Now: Why Friendship is Important for Your Health 

Animals are a great morale booster no matter how small or big.


Hopefully, now you can deal with the thoughts of moving out easier and know that you aren’t alone in your thoughts. People go and have gone through the same situations as you almost every day. It is normal to feel like you are attached to your home and can’t leave but eventually, you need to start your journey into life. 

If you have any further queries, then please contact us here at Ceed today! 

The Importance of Congruence: How to Manage Your Thoughts

A term you might’ve heard a lot nowadays is how you shouldn’t “bottle up” your thoughts, let alone your emotions. This means that you’re deliberately holding back from expressing a thought. Especially if it worries or concerns you because you don’t wish to face the emotions that will follow.

There are many harmful effects caused by you bottling up your thoughts. Just a couple include: 

  • Feeling anxious. As you’re trying to trick yourself into not confronting what’s on your mind, your anxiety levels will increase. 
  • Developing harmful coping mechanisms. To avoid the thoughts that are bothering you, you may find yourself eating or drinking and, if you smoke, smoking more than before. 
  • Following from the previous point, these habits can lead to not just weight gain or loss, and digestive issues as well. 

This article will explain how you should not bottle up those thoughts by confronting and accepting that you’ve been having them. 

Read Now: A Happy Diet: 9 Foods Proven to Lift Your Mood

Write Things Down

Writing can help you to understand your thoughts.

Although it sounds simple, writing down your thoughts is an effective technique. It’s even proven that it helps create catharsis

Whether you’re using putting a pen to paper or typing on a computer, there are several ways in which you could do this. It could be a diary or journal entry, or even a letter to a person who might be bothering you. Remember not to send that letter, as it’s only being used for self-therapy. 

As you write, your thoughts will properly take shape and become a lot clearer to you. They can become more personal than you expect. But writing will help you understand them more and give you a proper idea as to why you’ve been thinking about them. 


At first glance, you might be thinking “if I decide to exercise, won’t I be avoiding confronting my thoughts?”

No matter what method of exercise you engage in or how long you’ll be doing it, you’ll have the space to focus on what’s on your mind. This can be as simple as going for a walk, or going to the gym and lifting weights. Regardless, exercise gives you a chance to reflect on your thoughts and emotions. 

After all, the brain is often likened to being a muscle, so you’ll be exercising that as well as you move around. 

Read Now: Surprising Benefits of Exercise: Confidence and Creativity

Consider Why You’re Bottling Up

Negative thoughts can be difficult to deal with alone.

Sometimes, you are already fully aware of why you’ve been bottling things up. 

There are a variety of reasons for doing this. You could be angry or upset (or a combination of the two) over someone or something, which can cause emotional distress. Thinking about and focusing on these thoughts might feel as though you’re reliving the initial experience that led to you having them in the first place. This can lead to you not wanting to go through them again, but ignoring them won’t make them go away.

By choosing to ignore the problem itself, you’re going to cause yourself numerous harmful repercussions. The biggest side effect of not challenging those thoughts is the increase in your anxiety levels, which can eventually make you feel anxious all the time. 

Express Yourself Creatively

There are times when you just feel as though you want to express yourself, but you don’t want to downright say what’s on your mind. The thoughts can be negative or positive. But, that won’t stop them from being intrusive and possibly distracting you from whatever you’re doing. 

There are many creative ways for you to convey your thoughts and ideas. Some methods include: 

  • Writing: We’ve already mentioned writing a letter or diary entry, but you could also write a story. It doesn’t matter if it’s too short or too long – go for it! 
  • Drawing or painting: It can be a pencil on paper or a paintbrush on a canvas; it will reveal how dedicated you can be when creating something. 
  • Listening or dancing to music: The latter is especially effective, as your moves will help you let out any suppressed emotions you might have. 
  • Cooking or baking: Whether it’s a treat or a meal you’ve always wanted to make, you’ll be surprised by the enthusiasm you’ll have due to the anticipation of seeing the finished product. 


A problem shared is a problem halved!

This sounds like the simplest thing to do, doesn’t it? But just saying “I’m sorry” or “I was wrong” is not easy for some people. If you’re an introvert, or you don’t want to confront your thoughts and the connected emotions, then talking won’t be easy for you. 

But, this is the most effective way to relieve yourself of stress. It doesn’t matter who you decide to talk to – it could be a friend, a family member, a work colleague, or even a stranger. Just as long as you speak to someone and say what’s on your mind, you’ll feel the burden go away. 

Read Now: How to Practice Active Listening

This was just a small number of ways to prevent you from bottling up your thoughts. If you’d like to know more on this topic, or perhaps an entirely different one altogether, please contact us today at Ceed. 

How Listening to Music Can Better Your Life

Everybody has enjoyed music at some point in their life and has a genre they enjoy the most, whether it’s pop, rap, or reggae. No matter the genre, the feeling of listening to the genre that you like the most stays the same: it relaxes you. 

But what other effects can listening to music have on you?  

Mood Booster and Stress Reducer 

Nobody enjoys the feeling of sadness, but sometimes it is just part of our lives we can’t control. Music has a deeper connection beneath its surface than just a mix of sounds, and lyrics. It has been proven to stimulate your brain by releasing a chemical called “dopamine” which is associated with pleasure within our brain. This means that listening to music boosts yourself emotionally, and mentally reduces stress. Listening to a playlist of your favourite songs, and releasing the dopamine, can also reduce the feeling of depression

Starting your day off by listening to music can enhance the rest of your day. If you have issues with stress or just general sadness, then music is a great way to escape. Even if it’s only momentarily, it’s healthier than letting these negative feelings take you over.  

Read Now: How to Better Your Mental Health by Getting Creative

Mind Distraction and Improved Focus

It can distract your mind from your negative surroundings, keeping you occupied in a tranquil state. Noisy workplace? Just pop some earphones in and jam away. Drowning out sounds that stress you out and replacing them with dopamine fuelled music can enhance your mind to focus more on what you want to achieve. With this increase in focus, your productivity will rise higher than it did before and could even lead to avoiding work stress.   

Be warned however, as being overwhelmed by music can distract you from your work, or whatever you are doing while listening to music.  

Music can help you overcome personal difficulties.

Read Now: How Music Can Motivate You to Stick to Your Exercise Routine

Pain Management 

This effect isn’t just about physical pain, but mental pain as well. Whether it is stress, depression, or just general anger. Listening to music that relates to those emotions can cause you to push those feelings out of your mind. Knowing that someone went through the same situation as you and made a song filled with that emotion can let you know that you aren’t alone in this matter. This effect can also allow you to overcome blocks within your life. Whether that is writing blocks or mental blocks. 

It also reduces the pain you perceive and relaxes you a lot more if you are in any kind of physical pain. Which can be extremely useful if the pain is uncomfortable enough to keep you awake at night.  

Creativity and Sleep Improvement 

Music can be very tranquil and peaceful to listen to. It allows you to switch your brain off if you are listening to music without having anything to do. You create a narrative and envision the song in your head, which ultimately, can improve your creativity.

Most people listen to music when going to bed as this creativity that flows through you can help you sleep easier. The constant rush of dopamine to your brain makes your brain regulate hormones, and reduces cortisol which affects stress itself to help you sleep better.

Listening to music can improve your sleep schedule!

Mental Health Healing 

Improving your focus can also help to manage any effects that come with health conditions like autism, ADHD, or Tourette’s. As your mind becomes more focused on the rhythm, sounds, and lyrics, your brain momentarily forgets about reality and places you into a sort of daydream in your head. You remember who is in charge of your life, and it is you, and only you. 


Music is of huge importance to our lives, even if you don’t listen to it every day. The deep connection between our brain and music is almost magical. You can always find websites online that allow you to listen to music, including:

Remember that there are people who are struggling or have struggled in the same way as you.  

If you require assistance with any topics mentioned here, or in general then please feel free to contact us here at Ceed today. 

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